Happy Birthday, Mother

The Year was 1981 and my grandmother, Nana as we called her, turned 80 years old. Mom and Jeanne, my aunt threw her a surprise party. Nana was special to me. I always felt close to her. I wasn't going to miss this and mom said she wanted me to be sort of a "surprise inside of a surprise". I was going to walk into the party a few minutes later after the initial surprise of seeing everyone else. That's what I did coming in saying something about "I heard somebody is turning 80." The following pictures were snapped as Nana saw that I made the party coming from Texas. I had successfully stayed hidden from her even though I had come into town a few days early.


Mom wrote this for Nana's 80th birthday which she read at the party....

It is not our plan to have a program, but this is a special day. As most of you know, there are very few times when Lou Ann won't have something to say.

And you also know that I like to do my speaking out in rhymes, so settle back and bear with me; this is one of those times.

It wasn't easy to surprise Mother, she's a clever gal, you know, But we couldn't let 80 years go by without saying, "We told you so."

She has been preaching since she was 60 that she would never make one more year.

"This will be my last Christmas, or Easter, or birthday" - that's all we would ever hear.

Well, here we are gathered together, to celebrate your big "8-0".

You made it, Mother, and now we can say, "See, we told you so."

You may notice we didn't take chances, we've covered Miriam tonight. Look around and think a bit; you will see we did things right.

There's her pastor, two doctors, and hairdresser; her favorite Emblem Club sisters are here.

Closest friends and kindly neighbors; old and new, but all so dear.

We even went to Indianapolis to bring back a memory or two, In the company of Pfisters, you all remember them, don't you?

There just a few who are family and those of us you know. We love Nana dearly and wanted to show and tell her so.

There's her first grandchild, my son Drew, who flew in from Texas to surprise her today.

Drew and Nana enjoy a relationship which is special in every way.

Imagine her pride a few years later when Jeanne announced her new daughter's name?

This precious Miriam brought new dimension to our family; it's never been quite the same.

Then just about the time Mother thought it was the last of her grandmother's joy.

I surprised everybody, including myself, and produced another baby boy!

14 years ago, this grandson, Kurt, renewed the sparkle in Mother's eye.

They share many hours together; when he was a baby - even now that he's such a big guy.

Andy and John agree she's almost a perfect mother-in-law; strong emotions for her they, too, feel.

But long ago they made one rule: "Don't fix Nana any drinks until after she's cooked the meal."

Jeanne and I are fortunate sisters to call this lady, "Mother"; about her we're proud to boast.

We have shared a very good life together; we've been luckier daughters than most.

Mother has suffered through our tragedies; she gave comfort in every strife.

Her's is a positive attitude; her mind is keen, alert, she's bright.

Now we ask the Lord to bless you, Mother, and give you many many more years.

To walk among family and all these friends; to share our laughs and, oh yes, our tears.

Dear Granny from West Virginia used to say. "Our family all have their kidneys behind their eyes."

We're quick to sniffle and easily tear, so before I start to cry.

I'm going to cease being maudlin; my poem will come to an end,

But one last thing I must tell you -- if she weren't my own dear Mother, she would be my very best friend.



August, 23, 1981
Lou Ann