
Awhile back I put together a few CDs of muzak where I fancied myself a DJ (not a good one, mind you..). The inspiration came from my high school days listening to TRIAD Radio in Chicago, the single greatest radio station I've ever known. If you don't like electronics or the "not so normal", I'd move along. There's a lot here for the strange ear.  Please support the music. (Last Update: 8/24/2024)

Radio 1
Radio 2
podcast01 - Low Frequency
podcast43 - Skattering Mix
podcast02 - Space Rock
podcast44 - Accismus Mix
podcast03 - Hypesthesia Mix
podcast45 - Cattywampus Mix
podcast04 - Negative Normal
podcast46 - Maelstrom Mix
podcast05 - Electro Mix
podcast47 - Reckless Wreck Mix
podcast06 - Plastic Fantastic
podcast48 - Vexatious Mix
podcast07 - Wandering Mix
podcast49 - Retrograde Mix
podcast08 - Edge Of Oblivion Mix
podcast50 - Incandescent Mix
podcast09 - Damaged Mix
podcast51 - Implosive Mix
podcast10 - Lost Horizon Mix
podcast52 - Calamity Mix
podcast11 - Dreamer Mix
podcast53 - Waxing Gibbous Mix
podcast12 - The Drifter Mix
podcast54 - Destitute Mix
podcast13 - Fusion Confusion Mix
podcast55 - Maladroit Mix
podcast14 - German Mix
podcast56 - Execrable Mix
podcast15 - Disorderly Mix
podcast57 - Extempore Mix
podcast16 - From Here 2 There Mix
podcast58 - Tortuous Mix
podcast17 - The Excursion Mix
podcast59 - Widdershins Mix
podcast18 - The Nomad Mix
podcast60 - Nafarious Mix
podcast19 - Translucent Mix
podcast61 - Vulpine Mix
podcast20 - Helter Skelter Mix
podcast62 - Obscuration Mix
podcast21 - Big Fun Mix
podcast63 - Bafflegab Mix
podcast22 - XY Mix
podcast64 - Haphazard Mix
podcast23 - Extensity Mix
podcast65 - Taradiddle Mix
podcast24 - Offhanded Mix
podcast66 - Discombobulated Mix
podcast25 - Renegade Mix
podcast67 - Discordant Mix
podcast26 - Nympholepsy Mix
podcast68 - Adscititious Mix
podcast27 - Plenitudinous Mix
podcast69 - Ballyrag Mix
podcast28 - Inefficacious Mix
podcast70 - Decollate Mix
podcast29 - Pretentious Mix
podcast71 - Rigamarole Mix
podcast30 - Obstinant Mix
podcast72 - Cacophony Mix
podcast31 - Paradox Mix
podcast73 - Waning Crescent Mix
podcast32 - Valleity Mix
podcast74 - Flummox Mix
podcast33 - Impertinent Mix
podcast34 - Cacoethes Mix
podcast35 - Zazz Mix
podcast36 - Precarious Mix
podcast37 - Disparate Mix
podcast38 - Bellicosity Mix
podcast39 - Solivagant Mix
podcast40 - Atingle Mix
podcast41 - Mollify Mix
podcast42 - Tumultuous Mix